Add Text Captions
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How to Add Text Captions

Below contains the basic steps in batch adding of text captions to images.

1) Click on Load Folders and navigate to the directory/folder where the images are found and click OK. The program will ask if you want to include all sub-folders. If you click Yes, the program will look for all supported images in all the sub-directory under it and include it on the list of images to be processed.

2) Navigate to Settings by either clicking on Settings or clicking on the Settings tab name at the bottom of the Control Center.

3) Go to the Text Caption Properties section and make the necessary changes. Do refer to Settings - Text Caption Properties for a description of the text caption properties. Do keep the caption short.

4) Under File Properties, select the directory/folder in which the processed images would be saved in. If this is the same as the original files, the original files would be replaced and the process is irreversible. It is best to ensure that the directory the images would be saved in would be different from the original.

If however you need to save in the same directory, use the Backup Original function to keep a copy of the original files with which you can retrieve if you need to.

5) To preview the text captions on the images, ensure that the Enable Change Preview is checked and click on the image filename in the Control Center to preview it. You can make changes to the settings by going back to step 3. During the preview no changes are permanent.

6) Once you are satisfied with the settings, click on Process All and let Batch It! do all the work.